“You deserve to be healthy and happy just as much as your baby does.” – Linda’s story

My whole life I knew one thing for sure : I wanted to be a mom someday.

Lucky for my husband and I, we got pregnant very quickly; but little did I know nothing would prepare me for the things I’d experience once our baby girl was here.

Our beautiful Oía was born in August of 2017, and labor did not go as planned (which I expected). After being induced, and 15 hours of labour, she was finally born VIA emergency c section. She was perfect. Me, however, I was far from it.

I didn’t feel that instant connection. I figured I was just exhausted and in pain from the surgery, but two weeks after coming home with her, although I felt love for her, I felt disconnected from both her and myself. I was crying a lot and soon realized I was struggling with postpartum depression and postpartum aniety. Intrusive thoughts, extreme fear of her getting sick or dying in her sleep took over. It took me a whole year before I reached out for help.

Fast forward to now, things don’t feel so hard anymore. I have been on medication for four months and it’s been the best decision I could have ever made and my babe and I have the best relationship.

The point is, don’t wait like I did. Reach out for help, use the resources available and do not be afraid to share how you’re feeling ! You deserve to be healthy and happy just as much as your baby does.

Remember, Mommy matters, too!